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MSAccess Windows application
Click on thumbnail to enlarge, move or close image
As Built drawings information for Sarasota County brought in easy to use
database. User friendly GUI contain two tabs, one for data the other for
drawings preview.
Click on drawing preview or Preview button opens full size drawing with default
software for that type of image (Shellexecute). Some buttons are not enabled to
prevent unauthorized user to make changes in database. These buttons become
available after logging in with password.
Different system settings can be changed through friendly to use dialog boxes.
Example of general report grouped and sorted on Franchise name.
Example of detailed report for each project.
Search for particular project can be done using four parameters: as-built
number, project name, engineer of record name and street name or intersections.
Scrolling through results can be performed using built-in record navigation
buttons or using drop down combo box.